Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2023


EGL Homecare is a progressive employer that believes equality is one of the key pillars of a successful business. We have prepared our report to comply with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, the results of which are as follows:

A Mean gender pay gap of 1.97%.

A Median gender pay gap of 2.75%.

A Mean bonus gender pay gap of 0%.

A Median bonus gender pay gap of 0%.

A bonus payment was received by 0% of males and 0% of females.

Below are the quartile figures showing the proportion of each gender in each quartile pay band.

Quartile: Male Female
Lower Quartile 56.36% 43.64%
Lower Middle Quartile 72.73% 27.27%
Upper Middle Quartile 72.73% 27.27%
Upper Quartile 74.55% 25.45%


A signed copy of the declaration can be found here.


Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2022.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2021.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2018.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2017.